Tribute Video to Captain Eugene Cernan.
The Last Man on the Moon.
In June 1966, Gemini 9A with Tom Stafford (commander) and Gene Cernan (pilot) flew on a mission that, in part, was designed to test a radically new and daring type of spacewalk.
On Thursday morning, fellow NASA astronaut Eugene Cernan spoke at the public memorial for Neil Armstrong — the first man to ever walk on the moon. In eloquent remarks, Cernan spoke about his late friend and the humility with which he lived his life.
Apollo 17 lift-off from pad 39A.It was the first night launch and the sixth and final lunar landing mission of the Apollo program. 7 December 1972.
Last words on the moon (Eugene Andrew Cernan)
“As I take man’s last step from the surface, back home for some time to come (but we believe not too long into the future), I’d like to just say what I believe history will record: That America’s challenge of today has forged man’s destiny of tomorrow. And, as we leave the Moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return: with peace and hope for all mankind.”
Gene Cernan Speaks with Station Commander Kevin Ford
Apollo 17 Commander Gene Cernan visits the International Space Station Mission Control Center in Houston, Texas and has a brief conversation with Expedition 34 Commander Kevin Ford.
The Last Man on the Moon is available to watch in the US now!
Gene Cernan gives a speech at the dedication of the Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering at Purdue University 10/27/07
Apollo 17 Last men on the moon. Lunar Lift Off Dec. 14, 1972
Final Moon Mission – Apollo 17 (1972) – Rare Moon Landing Video
The last manned Apollo launch to the Moon. Apollo 17 was also the first, and only, night launch of the giant Saturn V rocket. This is the original NASA footage of the countdown and blastoff.
Final Moon Mission – Apollo 17 (1972) – Rare Moon Landing Video
The last manned Apollo launch to the Moon. Apollo 17 was also the first, and only, night launch of the giant Saturn V rocket. This is the original NASA footage of the countdown and blastoff.
Apollo 10 crew enjoy with zero gravity