AUTOGRAPH MATERIAL is available through Novaspace.com
FOR MORE INFORMATION please contact Mark Larson.
The U.S. should challenge its youth beyond their own expectations by giving them a chance to be on board during our voyage to the stars, not simply as a passenger who has $20 million for a ticket to ride into orbit, but as a crew member selected for a purpose. This can and should be done now, not later.
Such an endeavor would give aspiring scientists, engineers, aviators, photographers, teachers and artists an opportunity to experience firsthand the excitement and challenge of discovery. Just imagine a youngster entering high school knowing that he or she might realize the dream of actually flying in space before graduating and going off to college. How about that as a motivational force for studying science and math? Make learning fun and you can teach a kid anything!”
Or write to:
Mark Larson Media Services Inc.
1530 Hilton Head Road – Suite 205
El Cajon, CA 92019
Phone: (619) 579-0967